Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Zealand, Day Seven it is all Heavenly

Lord of the Rings is popular and the trilogy was filmed in New Zealand.
But this is more than a 3 hour movie.

We rented a CHEAP car from JUCY rental cars and are taking a 2 week trip in the North Island of New Zealand and 19 days in the south island, rental car status.

We started in Auckland. It was a busier city, but not too big. It is winter here in May (other hemisphere here) and it reminds me of SEATTLE. When I told this to the couchsurfing host, I sadly realized I wasn't the first to notice. I'm quick to pick up similarities but not as original. haha

So a few nights with a host in Auckland, adjusting to passing maybe 5 time zones from Indonesia and we slept a lot! I had some sinus issues with weather and country changes. But I a LOVING it here. Auckland has a posh area called Ponsonby area with a burger chain called burger fuel. I had a vegan burger, yum! Something like every 20 burgers fuels one gallon of fuel foor the delivery car. What a green idea!

After Auckland we headed to Coromandel.

Hot Water Beach!
We dug holes in the sand to reveal hot hot steamy water just under the surface. mixed with holes of cold water or finding the perfect spot and you have tons of people making mini spas and just laying there. We were SO lucky for it to be a perfect sunny day. While it was still a bit chilly, it was possible to walk in a bathing suit with shorts, so we considered ourselves VERY lucky.

After one overnight stop in Coromandel, a very small town, we headed down the east coast.

Next stop, Tauranga. We arrived at a nice hostel with the chain of YHA. We were able to use our Hostelling International cards from Uruguay and got a nice discount. We were also able to stay here for only 1 night so it was only a quick pause to check out the mountain which was a volcano once. We did some thrift store shopping where I picked up a winter coat for super cheap.
cows on a hill in the sunset

After Tauranga was another few hours drive south to Rotorua.

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